Den 10. november 2023 er du inviteret til et fælles digitalt seminar med nordiske Healthy Cities-netværk!  Her får du mulighed for at møde internationale kolleger, og dele erfaringer og viden på tværs af landegrænser.

Healthy Cities-netværkene i Island, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Sverige er gået sammen om at organisere et digitalt seminar The Place Standard Tool, som har til formål at understøtte design af steder, der bidrager til at øge folks sundhed og livskvalitet.

På seminaret vil vi høre fra John Howie fra Skotland, som er en af ​​grundlæggerne af The Place Standard Tool, samt eksempler på, hvordan nogle kommuner  i vores nordiske lande har arbejdet med værktøjet.

Tilmeld dig nedenfor senest den 9. november.
Et zoomlink udsendes til deltagerne dagen før webinaret.

10.00 Welcome to Nordic joint webinar Vigdis Holm, National Coordinator, The Norwegian Healthy Cities Network
10.05-10.15 Who are here today?
10.15 The Place Standard tool

John Howie, Public Health Scotland

10.35 – 10.40 Ouestion Time
10.40-10.45 Short break
10:45-11:05 Experiences from Norway


11:05-11:20 Experiences from Denmark

Jan Andersson, National Coordinator, The Danish Healthy Cities Network


Mere om netværket og the Place Standard Tool (på engelsk)

For three decades the Healthy Cities movement has been a pioneering driver of change. The network consists of cities and communities that puts health and well-being high on their agenda. Being a part of the WHO Healthy Cities network means having direct access to technical support, trainings, and meetings, to learn from each other and share knowledge.

The Nordic Healthy Cities Networks represent a high level of competency, insight, and good examples within the field of public health. In this seminar we will explore how Nordic cities work with local communities to create healthy and inclusive places with the help of The Place Standard tool.

About the tool

The Place Standard tool is a tool developed in Scotland and is a way of assessing places – whether the place is well-established, undergoing change, or is still being planned.

The Place Standard tool provides a simple framework to structure conversations about place, based around 14 questions. It allows you to think about the physical elements of a place (such as the buildings, spaces, and transport) as well as the social aspects (like whether people feel they have a say in decision making).

The tool provides prompts for discussions, allowing you to consider all the elements of a place in a methodical way. The tool pinpoints the assets of a place as well as areas where a place could improve.




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